
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

33DC Day 2: Most Used Polish

Day 2 of The Crumpet's Nail Tarts' presents 33DC. And today's prompt is most used polish. It wasn't until after I had created this mani that I found out it should be a white and should only be one color. Well heck. Oh well, I'm going to break the rules and still use it!

I ended up using three colors here. Kind of hard to tell, I know. But the base is three coats of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls ( used this as a base for a lot of nail art). I then did some dry brushing using Essence Romeo (also used a lot in nail art) and OPI Skull & Glossbones (great nail base). I topped it off with HK Girl Top Coat.

I think the dry brushing gives it a bit of a grunge look. I like it! What do you think?

Don't forget to check out the others and they manis! If you would like to join, please visit: Crumpet's Nail Tarts on Facebook!


  1. I thought you did some kind of saran wrap manicure when I first saw the picture! I like it like this :D

    1. Thank you! Ugh, saran wrap manis don't work for me, I need to keep practicing on those! :)

  2. Such a cool look....I cheated and used my boyfriend scales walls too Haha. X

    1. Thank you! My Boyfriend Scales Walls is such a versatile polish! I love it!

  3. Great look! I never tried this technique but I like the result, I should give it a try :)


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