
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Untried Polish Challenge: Prettiest

Today's prompt for the Untried Polish Challenge is: Prettiest. Ugh, that's so hard! How do you choose the prettiest? I mean, aren't they all pretty? Isn't that why you chose them?

This here is two coats of China Glaze Snap My Dragon. It is a super gorgeous hot pink that capture more red in my photos, sad day! But at least you can still see the shimmer! Which is one reason it's the prettiest.

Kept it simple and added one coat of Orly So Go-Diva, a copper/brown glitter in clear base. Pink and brown are a fav combo of mine!

A close up of So Go-Diva. Wow, camera and polishes not playing nice today. I promise the glitter isn't black but actually brown! :)