
Monday, July 8, 2013

Untried Polish Challenge: Most Expensive AND The Digit-al Dozen Does Tape Manis

Welcome to another installment of The Digit-al Dozen! This week our theme is Tape Manis! Oh crap! These are my nemesis! Shoot! How am I going to do this? Five whole days! Seriously? I can barely do one!

Well, I put on my big girl panties and settled in to crank out the manis this week! Some of them I am pretty impressed with; others.......not so much. >_< But I tried and completed all five days! Huzzah! Shall we see day 1?

I also combined this tape mani week with the Untried Polish Challenge that I am currently working through. So today is: Most Expensive.

Here is ManGlaze Santorum. I fell in love with this polish after seeing it on The TraceFace Philes. Here photos of it are stunning! I used some chevron-like nail guide stickers that I got on ebay to create this mani. I love working with matte polishes for tape manis. They dry quicker! :)

Sorry it's a bit blurry but I wanted to show you the stickers I used. And then all I used was HK Girl Top Coat over the glorious matte Santorum!

Look at the sparkle! That is was sold me on this polish!

Here is a swatch shot for you! Isn't it purdy! :) One coat as well! Sa-weet!

As you can see on my pointer I waited a bit too long to pull up the stickers so there are those wispies. Oh well, it really only shows up on camera. Cameras always show things you don't want others to see!

You can purchase ManGlaze on Amazon here.
You can find ManGlaze on their own site here.
You can also find ManGlaze on Facebook here.

Don't forget to check out the other ladies and their fabulous Tape Manis!


  1. Tape manis are certainly not as easy as they look, lol. You did a lovely job, though, again your mani jumped out at me from my dashboard this morning. Very striking! ♥

  2. I have Santorum too. Such a pretty color with such a gross name!

  3. I love this and need Santorum so much!

  4. Loving how changeable the polish is between topcoat and no topcoat.

  5. This is my favey of all the manglazes! i love its sparkleyness. i need to pick some of these wavy stickers up, love them!

    1. The sparkle is what sold me! And these are some of my favorite stickers that I got from our conversation months ago!

  6. I want this polish so bad! I don't know why I haven't ordered it yet!!! Love what you did with the taping! :)

    1. Thank you! I know, I had it on my wishlist forever. Finally I just bought it because I had to have it! :)

  7. Love it! And those tapes are cool!

  8. I really freaking love this Kirsten! That Manglaze is awesome!


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