
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Digit-al Dozen Does Book Week - Little Golden Books

Day 3 of The Digit-al Dozen Does Book Week. And today I have my childhood summed up in one mani: Little Golden Books. Do you remember those books? The gold flashy spines?

I loved these books growing up and thought I would try and recreate it using Barry M Gold Foil, Konad Black Pearl, and a Born Pretty plate M73. I loved how it turned out! I think it does it justice! :)

This was one of my favorite Little Golden Books!

Don't forget to check out the other ladies and their books of the day!


  1. Little Golden Books! What a lovely inspiration :) We had so many of these growing up, including The Poky Little Puppy :) I think my mom must've been enrolled in a book club. Anyhoo, I love this. ♥

  2. OMG Kirsten! What a cool idea. I remember these books all too well. Crazy. Memories...

  3. I loved these when I was little! I remember my mother reading them to me. Your manicure is beautiful - and so creative!

    1. Thank you so much! My mother loved these books and would read them to me too!

  4. This is perfect! My mom use to buy me all the Little Golden Books!! You captured the design perfectly!:)

  5. I just squealed and felt so nostalgic when seeing those Little Golden Book Spines! What a genius idea for a mani!

  6. OMFG. Don't tell the others, but this might be my favorite thing from the wholeeee week. Such a freaking awesome idea! I love it so hard!!


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