
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Indie Month Day 14 and The Digit-al Dozen Does Geek - Pi Day

Day 4 of The Digit-al Dozen Does Geek (and continuing my Indie Month) we have Pi Day! Yep! Pi = 3.14 or today's date of 3/14 (March 14!). Oh yeah! How cool is that! :) This mani was a given when I found out that our Digit-al Dozen week would fall on this day!

Do you see what I did here? Pi....pie. :) This is a Lacquistry Winterberry mathematical pi(e)!

I used OPI Don't Pretzel My Buttons (two coats) as my base. On my index finger I used OPI Berlin There Done That as the pie markings. And then used a black Sharpie to make the Pi symbol and the numbers. I used Lacquistry Winterberry to create pie wedges on my middle and ring fingers. I applied two coats of Winterberry (with no base color) to my pinkie.

Lacquistry Winterberry was part of her Holiday 2012 line and is gorgeous! And applied like only a Lacquistry polish can.....fabulously! And it is unique to my collection.

Bottle shot of Lacquistry Winterberry.

You can purchase other gorgeous polishes from Lacquistry at her etsy store (she is restocking with her new line soon!)
And don't forget to check out Lacquistry Facebook page to be kept up-to-date!

Don't forget to check out the other ladies and their Geek nails!


  1. So good! I forgot that this week was going to coincide with Pi Day... Wayne and I always make Pi Pies on this day. This year we are planning on corn pie, brownie pie, and steak & mushroom pie!

  2. I want that OPI colour!! The red looks awesome with it

  3. I had no idea Pi had it's own day! I'll never forget in HS when we were challenged to remember as many digits of Pi as we could - needless to say, I failed at anything past 3.14 :)

  4. I love this mani! So cute. I love that Lacquistry polish, sadly I missed the Holiday collection but that polish is gorgeous. I love how you added pie to the mani. I think we should all have pie on Pi day!

  5. Wow, Winterberry is so pretty!

  6. These are awesome! Now I need Winterberry! :)

  7. I love this mani :)
    looks perfect in these colours!


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