
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday Reads: Matched by Ally Condie

Welcome to the first Wednesday Reads of 2013! Wow, half way through February and just doing my first of these. :) But at least I've read quite a few books that I can review!

Today we have Matched by Ally Condie. This is the first book in the trilogy, followed by Crossed and then Reached. This book takes place in a dystopian society (yep another one!) in which the Society controls everything about you. What you eat, what you wear, where you work, and even who you love.

When Cassia reaches the age to be Matched she goes to the ceremony expecting to see a stranger in the screen when her name is called but instead her best friend is her match! She couldn't be happier! It is rare for two people to know each other before being matched. But when she goes home that night to view Xander's micro card another face flashes on the screen before being replaced by Xander. A glitch? The Society never makes a mistake. But why was she shown someone else? Someone she also knows, Ky. Cassia must now choose between what the Society wants for her, Xander; and what her hearts wants, Ky.

Join Cassia, Xander, and Ky as they soon discover that the Society might now be all it claims to be.

I really liked this book. It was a bit slow to begin with because I kept wondering why their society was like this. What happened to the world to make it like this. I have read this one and the second book (Crossed) and still don't know the answer to that. I am hoping the third book will fill me in.

But it is a very interesting concept. People don't die of disease anymore, you have your death date planned with a party and all your close friends around and you just die when you reach 80. You are watched and in a way matched as well to a job in which you are best suited. The Society controls everything down to the food and nutrients in your food (designed specifically for you). It's a very strict society that no one questions, at least not openly.

The love triangle is interesting because there are times in which you don't know who you want Cassia to end up with. Yes, it is a youth book, so some of it is a bit cheesy, but I kind of like cheese!

Have you read this book? Did you like it?


  1. I`ve read the first book (still waiting for translations in my language for the other two) and i liked it, even it`s a youth book...i still feel very young in my heart :D

    1. I love young adult books! They are quick and easy reads that are clean!

  2. I love ya series. Thanks for the review. I'll check it out.


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