
Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Digit-al Dozen Does Love and Heartbreak - Weekly Round Up!

Another Digit-al Dozen week has come and gone. Don't be too sad, we'll be back next month with a fabulous theme (though some don't think so!)

In case you missed it, here are the days InLinkz form! Be sure to check them out because we had some fabulous manis this week! :)


  1. I'm curious about this Digit-al Dozen thing... I've seen it on so many blogs! Can anyone join? And where can I find more information about it? Sorry if the question is stupid :p

    1. Sorry it took awhile to reply. It is actually a closed group. I'm so very sorry.

  2. Yay!! I enjoyed a lot, now get ready for the next month :P


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