
Monday, February 11, 2013

The Digit-al Dozen Does Love and Heartbreak PLUS 31 Day Challenge 2013 Day 11: Tutorial

Today is another multi challenge day! We have Day 11 of the 31 Day Challenge (relaxed version) (also the second to last day in this challenge) Inspired by a Tutorial. We also have The Digit-al Dozen Does Love and Heartbreak!

I decided to add a little love and heartbreak to Missy's Gnarly Gnails Split Splatter Tutorial. This is a fabulous, easy to follow tutorial that I recommend you doing! :) The black heart is my cynicism (no, not really) lost in a sea of romantic colors!

Here are my polish strips after they had dried and been removed from the page protector (it was the only plastic I had on hand!) She also gave a really useful tip (at least for me) for splatters. Did your straw into the bottle of polish! Duh! Why didn't I ever think of that!? I have been putting some on a plate, dipping my straw into that and trying to splatter! No wonder it never really worked! Really, sometimes I wonder about myself! >_<

I also made my hearts a head of time on the plastic page protector. You can see some splatter carnage on the plastic! This whole technique of created polish decals on plastic, having them dry then applying them is just utter genius (and one that I totally abused this week!). I also used HK Girl as a top coat to apply the heart.

Here is another shot of my Split Splatter mani. Ok, the mani was a bit hard to photograph. For some reason my camera refused to fully focus, it kept wiggin' out! Maybe because it was blown away by awesomeness? Hmmm......could be! :)

The polishes I used were: Milani White on the Spot, China Glaze Ruby Slippers, Sally Hansen Presto Pink, and Finger Paints Black Expressionism.

Don't forget to check out the rest of The Digit-al Dozen (with some new ladies! Hi!)!


And don't forget to check out the other tutorials being featured today!


  1. I am really in love with this mani and all the different techniques you used to complete it!

  2. Such a great idea! You pulled it off perfectly!

  3. So cool! I love the little black heart!

    1. Thanks! I thought it needed something a bit more so I added the heart!

  4. These are perfect! And I love the color combination!! Gorgeous as always!

  5. I love this, great choice of tutorials!

  6. I love splattered manis, yours is awesome!


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