
Monday, February 4, 2013

31 Day Challenge 2013 Day 4: Fashion

Welcome to day 4 of the 31 Day Challenge 2013 (relaxed version). Now remember, this isn't actually day 4, more like day 25, but in our relaxed version we do no weekends and we have the dates starting over because it is now February. Alright, in hindsight I shouldn't have used the day number because it is all confusing and junk, but oh well! :)

Today is inspired by fashion. I decided to use glequins to resemble sequins that are all over clothing nowadays! What's a glequin? Check out The Nailasauraus: What's a Glequin? But pretty much it's a too big for glitter but too small to be a sequin! :)

I bought these because I thought I could use them in a polish. Hmm, maybe too big? But doesn't matter, they bled in polish base. But! They are perfect for nail art! :)  My base color is Catrice ACid/DC and lovely shimmery pea-green that I love! This is two coats, but it probably really only needed one!

Oh and check out my new lighting! Bah! I love it! So bright! I got me a new Ott Lite Lamp, from Walmart for $19. Thank you Missy from Gnarly Gnails for sharing!

Oh again! Did see what I've done with my watermark? A little owl! Isn't is cute! It's a dingbat from a font by Miss Tiina. You can find the font here or with the badge located on my sidebar.

Don't forget to check out the other fashionable ladies! See what I did there? ;)


  1. Love, love, LOVE this! I have got to get some glequins! Also need to fix my lighting solution and that'd be the easiest I think. Thanks for all the awesome links too. Lots of fun stuff to try out now!

  2. thats one of my favorite polishes! and the watermark is tooo damn cute!


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