
Friday, January 11, 2013

TGIF: The Digit-al Dozen Does Art: 31 Day Challenge 2013! Day 11: Rainbow Nails

Oh my goodness! I had no idea how I was going to combine all my themes for today! TGIF: Thank Goodness, Indy Indie Friday; The Digit-al Dozen Does Art, and 31 Day Challenge 2013 (relaxed version). So I decided to focus on the Indie polishes themselves since they are a work of art! :) See, see what I did there? Wink wink! ;)

As I was reading a book: How To Be An Explorer of the World: Portable Art Life Museum by Keri Smith, I came across this:
"The Indo-European root of the word 'art' is 'to arrange; or 'fit together' (join). In this light, art can be pared down to its most simplistic form. We begin by collecting, then playing the the materials or objects, organizing them in a variety of ways, making new combinations, trying new things, then observing the arrangements we have made". (Keri Smith, 15)
Bah! Oh my goodness! Does that not describe us all to a "T"? We collect our tens, hundreds, or thousands of bottles of polish. Oh, we definitely play with them and organize them (by color or by brand?) New combos? Why duh! Of course! Trying new things? Yep, daily almost especially with all the nail art challenges. And oh how we "observe the arrangements we have made".....BLOGS! This is why I chose Indies for my art piece today. :)

Oh and there are a lot of photos here...just to warn you! :) Oh and these are each two coats!

First up in the rainbow is red: Elemental Styles Iron Man-ia. This is a gorgeous red jelly with red and gold glitters! Sadly she doesn't carry this polish any more and is just trying to sell her last polishes :( But she still does have some pretties available! Go visit her Elemental Styles Etsy Page

Next color in the rainbow is orange: Glimmer by Erica's Spicy Pumpkin. This is from her fall line and is a clear based glitter with orange, brown, garnet, and red glitters. I love her glitters! So many fun unique combos! Visit her Glimmer by Erica Etsy Page

Next up is yellow: NerdLacquer Gorramit. This is from her Serenity Trio. Wowza are her polishes amazing! Sadly she's been away for a while but has announced plans on returning! Polish crazed ladies rejoice! :)

How about green: Once Upon a Polish The Beanstalk. Sadly another amazing Indie polish maker who has stopped making polishes. I loved her concept and glitters! This is a green glitter in a clear base.

Here's blue: Rainbow Polish Sky Walker. From her Star Set 2 (inspired by Star Wars!) Epic geeky win! This is a "slightly milky blue base containing small blue glitters, blue"lightsaber" glitter bars, white square glitters and small blue dust glitter". Visit her Rainbow Polish Etsy Shop (and this polish is still there!)

On to indigo: A England Tristam is the closest I could get. And it is stunning! Though they are a bit more big-leagued, A England is still and Indie! Visit her shop A England.

And last but not least purple: Dollish Polish Hylian Princess. From her Zelda Duo (another epic geeky win!) This was a huge lemming of mine finally squashed! It is purple, white, and gold glitters in a clear base. Visit her Dollish Polish shop

Big ol' lineup! :)

Backside lineup!

Now, did I cheat a bit for today? Nah, I don't think so! So many talented women create gorgeous works of art for our fingers! We must praise them! And of course give them our money! :)

Don't forget to check out the other ladies in The Digit-al Dozen:

And doing the 31 Day Challenge 2013 (relaxed version):


  1. I love this post. I don't consider this cheating at all!

  2. Love this! And what a neat way to wear so many gorgeous glitters!!

  3. hee heee - i would have loved to have seen your face before you found something that fit all 3 challenges lol xx

    1. Hahaha! I fretted for a bit and was trying to figure it out but then the hallelujah chorus happened and this came to life! :)

  4. I love your mani! It's so cool that you were able to use so many colors and brands, yet they still look good together.

  5. LOL, good job on combining everything!!!


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