
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

31 Day Challenge 2013! Day 16: Stripes -- at least I think!

31 Day Challenge 2013 (relaxed version) Day 16: Stripes. Errr, what now? Stripes? And just what do think those are in the photo? Stripes I tell you! Badly done stripes, but stripes nonetheless!

Welcome to migraine zone! Hahahaha! Now, I probably could have done another version of these. But I didn't because you know what? I honesty didn't want to, I was running behind schedule with my other nails for this week. So my lines aren't that straight and they almost look like a bad version of a ruffle/cloud mani! Hahaha! But tough beans! I am still putting them out there for you all to see and think, dang what fabulous skills she has! (sarcasm very heavy there!)  :)

But what do I love about this mani? The textures! And that was the main purpose in using these three amazing polishes! Starting at the top with the lightest color we have Catrice Steel My Soul, How I Matt Your Mother, and Steel My Heart. Steel My Soul and Steel My Heart are brushed metal effects (like a suede) and are packed with shimmery goodness! Just look at the bottle! And How I Matt Your Mother is a lovely matte finish! I love having friends across the great big pond who have access to these amazing polishes! Curse you Catrice and not being here in the USA! :(

So pretty....the polishes! The mani....hmmmm, that's another story! Ha! :)

Don't forget to check out the other ladies and their Stripes! (because I can bet you it only gets better!) :)


  1. Dang, you got some skills! Haha, I see your concept here, it's not that bad if you didn't think they were stripes!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I think that's the best thing about it! >_< Hahaha!

  3. I actually think this is really cool!!! I think it's really artsy :p

  4. lol - LOVE this post ha ha. We've ALL had those days, but yes, the colours work so well together


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