
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Digit-al Dozen Does Festiveness: Lights!


Day 3 for The Digit-al Dozen Does Festiveness and today is lights! Sure, I have a new stamp I could have used but I wanted to try free-handing some lights and I love how they turned out! :)

I chose these colors for the lights because these were the colors of the lights we use to have on our house growing up. We would keep them up all year long because they were a pain to put up and take down! :) But we had a basketball hoop up by the garage and so all the lights around the hoop got broken and that always made my dad mad! :)

I used Essence Romeo as my base. Wanted a nice neutral so that the color of the lights would pop!

I then used a small brush and Finger Paints Black Expressionism and drew the wire. I kind of like how it looks just like this! :)

For the lights I used Zoya Sooki, Catrice Blue Cara Ciao, Nails Inc Hans Place, and China Glaze Starboard. And yes, this is the same photo as above. Having issues with my OttLite and the lighting on my manis. Sorry! >_<  Hahaha! :)

Don't forget to check out the other ladies and their Festive manis! :)


  1. that is so gorgeous!! I love that you free-handed them

  2. I love this so much. My sister did something like this recently but used black thread as her wire.

  3. Aww, these are really cool. I been wanting to do something like this, but never get around to it, lol.

    1. Thank you! :) You should do it, they are fairly simple!

  4. I love light manis! The Essence is to die for also :)

  5. This is so cute! I love the base color!


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