
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Digit-al Dozen Does Music - Pop Diva Glitter Style!

Day 2 of The Digit-al Dozen Does Music. And today we have a glitter mani fit for some pop divas! What music theme week would be complete without at least mentioning two ground-breaking women of pop music!? And who am I talking about?

Why Madonna and Lady Gaga of course! :)

I love a lot of Madonna's songs. Her Ray of Light album is my favorite of hers. As for Lady Gaga? She has some pretty catchy songs that get stuck in my head, but I only own one of her songs (one sung by her. I do have some covers of her songs by other artists). Now this is nothing against her, I'm just not a mainstream music type of gal. :)


So here we have China Glaze Material Girl and Deborah Lippmann Bad Romance. Two coats each.

Here is a photo pf the base colors that I used for this mani. OPI Sparrow Me the Drama and Finger Paints Black Expressionism. Two coats each.

Now that you have watched Lady Gaga's video you should check out this video about Women's Suffrage. It is amazing! :) And fitting for today! :)


Don't forget to check out the other ladies and their musical manis! :)

Bee Polished
Caitlin's Creative Corner
Geeky Owl
Gnarly Gnails
PishPosh and Polish
The Crumpet
Toxic Vanity


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