
Friday, November 30, 2012

My Favorite Things: November

I love reading about other bloggers and their favorite things so I thought I would join in with Emma over at Manicurity and post my favorite things with her list of questions.

favorite new (tried) polish: I think it would have to be the hard to photograph Essence Grey-T to Be Here. Such a lovely grey (you know I love me some greys) with a gorgeous pink shimmer.

favorite new (UNtried) polish: Orly Miss Conduct. Loving this color and I can't wait to try it! :)

favorite new (tried) indie polish: Oh wow. Hmm... this is a toss up between Different Dimension Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock and Glimmer by Erica Season's Change.

favorite new collection: Would have to Rainbow Polish Star Set 1 and 2! Woot! Woot! Geeky themed polishes! :)

favorite manicure you did this month: I really liked how my Remembrance Day Mani turned out. It was kind of haunting.

favorite new technique or tip: Ok, so it's not so new but I still haven't tried it. The Saran-Wrap mani. Some of these manis are so gorgeous that they seem to glow! Please check out Sweet Sugar and this amazing saran wrap mani!

favorite new makeup item: I finally caved and bought this gorgeous new eye shadow and I love love love it! It is Urban Decay Mushroom. Wow! The color, the formula! Perfection!

favorite TV show right now: Parenthood. Plain and simple this is a wonderful show that has me in tears almost every single episode! :) (here's a little older video about it)


currently reading: Matched by Ally Condie. Also still trying to get through A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin (I will never finish this!!!!)

And there you go! What were your favorites this month?! Feel free to comment with your list!

favorite new polish:
favorite new indie polish:
favorite new (seasonal) collection:
favorite manicure you did this month:
favorite new technique or tip:
favorite new makeup item:
favorite TV show right now:
currently reading:


  1. I always enjoy reading these things, but I never participated... until today, lool. That eyeshadow looks seriously amazing.
    Here's my list :)

    Wow, something about pasting my link here feels not right! :p

    1. Hahaha! :) I saw it! Awesome job! I love these kind of posts too! :)

  2. I love how Essence Grey-T to Be Here looks! Thanks for sharing! I love fun posts like these. :)


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