
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sat-Art-Day Club: Frogs or Reptiles

So, I missed last week's challenge, but I'm back this week! This is The Sat-Art-Day Club. The Sat-Art-Day Club is a new weekly challenge which posts on Saturdays. Today we have chosen Frogs or Reptiles as our theme, I chose reptiles. I was stumped for a bit on this. I decided to look through my stamping plates and came across these two plates. But then I paused and thought...uh, wait is a turtle a reptile? Hahahaha! Blonde moment of the day! :)

I used China Glaze Westside Warrior for the base of three fingers. Catrice Lost in Mud is the accent nail base. I then stamped using Essie Penny Talk for the shell using Cheeky plate CH11. For my accent nail I used Klean Color Metallic Green and Salon Express SE21 for the little turtle (who decided to stamp off-centered. Grr!) But it still didn't look quite right. Then I decided to add China Glaze Matte Magic and voila! I love how it turned out! It gives it a bit of a leathery look. :)

Oh, and I love how Klean Color Metallic Green is still sparkly even with the Matte Magic!

Here it is before China Glaze Matte Magic. Still pretty but I love it with the Matte Magic better! :)

Oh and PS, I heard so many good things about these Essie Mirror Metallics. Well, this one did not stamped easily. You can see how I had to go over parts on my middle and pinky because the image didn't pick up. But I am not giving up hope yet. I will try this polish again!

Don't forget to check out the other ladies and their frogs or reptiles!


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