
Friday, September 21, 2012

Thank Goodness, Indie Friday - Glimmer by Erica Muy Caliente

It's Friday Friday (and now I hope that lame song is in your head! Muwahaha!) and you know what that means! TGIF: Thank Goodness, Indy Indie Friday! Can I get a woot woot! :) I decided to revamp the layout of TGIF a little. I really liked how Emma over at Manicurity sets up hers, so I thought I do a similar layout! :)

Today's polish is Glimmer by Erica's Muy Caliente! And my goodness is this polish hot hot hot! The pictures above are two coats each on the index and middle fingers and one coat each on the ring and pinkie fingers. Just check out this polish! It's a clear base with a mix of reds, yellows, oranges, and a hint of fuchsia glitters! Gorgeous! And how did it apply? Marvelously! I almost had to scrape off some glitter before applying! I love that! :)

Here is my weekly Indie Skittle! Left to right and each with one coat of Muy Caliente is Essence Romeo, Catrice Blue Cara Ciao, Finger Paints Flip Flop Fuchsia, and Catrice Lost in Mud. I absolutely love this glitter over all colors! It is stunning!

See how it just pops with the colors! Perhaps my favorite of this skittle is the first one, Essence Romeo. I love how Muy Caliente just steals the show with it! And my pinkie (Catrice Lost in Mud) makes a good fall mani combo!

A light shot to show you the glow and fiery aspect of this glitter! Wow!

Glimmer by Erica's Muy Caliente was $10 and can be purchased, along with her other amazing polishes at her etsy site here.

And don't forget to check her out on facebook here.

So what do you think of this hot hot hot polish? Fantastic for fall!

Don't forget to check out Emma's TGIF post over at Manicurity!


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