
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Just a little Ramble

So, today there is no mani, I feel the need to ramble. Gasp! Wait a minute I thought this was a blog that featured manis? Well, yes it is but I would like to thank you all for reading my little blog. When I started this blog last year I never thought anyone would ever read or take notice.

But I have since learned of the wonderful little notch in the world (well, not that little) that is the polish community. It is filled with wonderful women and men who generally care for one another and try to lift one another. If only that rest of the world did as such. Don't get me wrong, I know of the drama and such that also happens in this community, I mean we are only human. (Well, some may not be....too spooky perfect swatching and just one eye? hahaha! Some may know who I am talking about).

But I digress.

My main focus is to thank you, the reader, who has stuck through it with me through failed mani to triumphant mani and all that is in between (which is most!). So thank you so much! I am not one to write a lot in my posts because I love blog posts that are more picture focused. So, I am not sure that you all know me or who I am. And truth be told I am not sure who I am yet in the world of blogging. There are days where I love it and then, there are days in which I want to chuck it all in the trash.

Yep, it's true. There are days in which doing another mani causes anxiety and I just don't want to do. But it's getting better. Truly it is. Don't take this the wrong way, I am not sitting there freaking out when I polish my nails (well, not super bad at least!). There is anxiety but sometimes the fun is just sucked out and I get panicky that this isn't what you the reader would want to see or heaven forbid I don't post! I don't show enough nail art.....I'm not spooky perfect in my swatch or painting....I don't follow all the trends.......I have substituted a mani on wednesday for a book review or blog photos aren't perfect.....etc etc etc.

But you know what?

This is my blog and I decide what goes on and to heck with everything else! If you the reader didn't like it you wouldn't read it! And so what if I don't have the thousands and thousands of followers or page hits. What I do have are a select few awesome followers and a few manis that I am super proud of! This blog, like life, is a journey and should be enjoyed and not fretted over! (ha! Easier said then done!)

Not sure why I am doing this post. Just thought I would ramble and figure things out. So there may be days in the future where I don't post and as much as my inner self freaks out over it (I might lose every follower if I miss a day!) my brain and heart need to be in it totally and wholly for it to be spectacular.

It is getting late as I ramble on. So if you have made it this fair in this weird jumble of mixed up diarrhea of the brain and keyboard then congratulations! And thank you for stickin' it out yet again! This is why I don't write much in my posts I ramble (dude how many times have I used this word in this post? 4? Really? Seems more, well 5 if you count the title!)

But now I have a question. Is there anything that I should change? Not to get more readers, but to be more interesting? Is the layout horrible? Should I drop Wednesday Reads? Or Blog Shout Outs? Should I add more features like a get to know me feature? Anything you would recommend? Anything at all?

I only ask this because I would like you the reader to be more interested and excited about my posts. I am joining with some others, for a Halloween challenge beginning next month. I hope to try and attempt some more nail art! Eek!

And one last thank you! Can't wait to see what you have to say! :)

Here is a very cute little song to enjoy!


  1. I love your blog. You photos are great and i love your features! Keep up the good work!

  2. I love your blog, too! I say, continue to post about what inspires you and that always comes through in your posts :) I always enjoy reading your blog!

    1. Thank you! I will try to post what inspires me! Maybe I could even turn that into something.....putting my thinking cap on! :)

  3. You go, girl! I'm proud of you, you do what makes YOU happy! I love everything you put out, and your other readers do, too! I also struggle with perfectionism and it's hard for me to accept that I can't please everyone, make everyone happy, or do everything perfectly. We can only do our best and do what we can...nothing more! Do whatever brings a smile to your face, because that is the only thing that matters! Also, your readers will be able to tell that you're enjoying yourself, and that is the best thing. Love and hugs!

  4. First... there are two eyes! Check the most current post. lol. Second, keep doing what you're doing. <3 You've got one of the most unique blogs and voices out here and that's what makes you successful. But beyond that, don't change anything unless you're feeling it yourself. If your little artistic corner isn't comfortable for you then the whole thing has lost its point. (I JUST had a small experience with that, myself.) It is hard (impossible, maybe, lol) not to stress over content and appearance sometimes, since we're all in the public eye, but we've all got our niche, and after all, this microcosm isn't, as you said, so micro. I've found that this, like any other hobby, has its ups and downs and sometimes it gets frustrating, and that's just life. But as long as it's something that you enjoy doing more than not doing, keep at it how you want it. <3

    1. Hahaha! Yes there are two eyes! :) Wow, thank you so much for your words! I do enjoy this, it must just be a down time right now. Thank you! :)

  5. I love your blog! I've been a bad blogger and have gotten awful about posting. I just don't have to time to do it all. I was quite anxious about it but I had to stop for my own sanity haha. Now I'm just sad because I love blogging, but it just doesn't fit in with my life right now. I'm always excited about your posts, so do what makes you happy :)

    1. Thank you! And I get the anxiety about posting. I want to do it but sometimes I feel as if it runs my life. Just need to find the perfect balance! :)

  6. You are the Geeky Owl of Ossmness. No one will ever replace you. So I stick witchoo wuthernot you're posting pretty pictures, I votes for joo in jor nail art contests and I share your zombie zongs with all my friends.


  7. I love your blog and wouldn't change a thing! Keep up the great work :)


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my blog! I love getting comments! Though I may not be able to respond to each one right away, I do read and appreciate each and every one, they are actually a highlight of my day! If you have any questions, I'll try my best to respond quickly! If you would like for me to check out your blog, email me your link: geekyowl (at) gmail (dot) com.