
Monday, August 27, 2012

Haul Time!

There is no Monkey See Monkey Do Monday Mani today. Instead you a look at my latest haul and probably last haul for a awhile. I'm trying to be good and I also joined a Halloween Swap so I want to make sure an leave something for them to get me! :)

This is my final swap package from my one swap group. This is from Amber and I love it! Look at all that yummy candy and polish! Oh and that little mustache? He talks! "Well, hello there" Hahahaha! The polishes I got are Saturday Morning Cartoons by Whimsical Nail Polish by Pam and a Francesca's polish called Confetti. I love them both and can't wait to use them!

This here is my first Hare Polish, Asteroid Turf. Really excited for this one! And then this lovely L'Oreal is Britt Invasion. Gorgeous!


Macro bottle shot of Hare Polish Asteroid Turf. Love the colors!


Next up is a lovely little collection I found at Ross. A whole collection of green polishes from KleanColor! (L-R) Starry Meteor, Mystic Grass, Jazz Olive, Green Grass, TLC, and Melon Green. I bought this and then the next day saw this post from Gnarly Gnails where she states she loves Melon Green! I'm excited! :)

So I read about this wonderful and amazing top coat HK Girl, reviewed by Caitlin at Caitlin's Creative Corner. And I knew I had to try it out. Well I found out that not only does Jill sell it through her awesome store: Glisten & Glow, but sometimes you can find for sale by her on Copious! (which is where I got it!) I can't wait to try this. Like Seche Vite without the goopy! Woot!

And my last bit of haulage that cost me nothing! Essie Penny Talk! Free because I had enough Klout Perks! Don't have Klout? Sign up and get awesome perks! :)


  1. oh girl - you're gonna love melon green! its so bright in person, its really unique.
    and nice score on your klout perk. i got the silver one. i already had penny talk and it's my favorite of the collection, so good on you!!

    1. Haha! Thanks! I'm glad I got Penny Talk because I already have a gold and a silver stamping polish! :)

  2. Oh nice haul! I keep wanting to get some Kleancolor polishes but I never come across them when I'm out and about I may have one in my entire collection! Also please let us know how HKgirl works out I've been wanting to try it myself :)

    1. I plan on having a review tomorrow (wednesday) or thursday! :)


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