
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Blog Shout Outs - I Heart Pretty Polish

Today's Shout Out goes to Essie Rae at I Heart Pretty Polish. This is a newer blog that started in March of this year. She does some amazing swatches and she also features Saturday Sweets in which she showcases her cute and wonderful cakes that she creates! Love!

Her swatches are amazing! I really like her lighting! And she has done quite a few challenges and is currently working her way through the alphabet with the ABC Challenge! :)

Please click on the photos to be sent to her posts! :)

(Of course I chose to show this cake!)

I'm going to be doing Shout Outs every other week with Wednesday Reads on the other weeks. If you would like your blog featured in Blog Shout Outs! Please send me an email at geekyowl[at]gmail[dot]com.


  1. OMG, thank you soooo much! I was going through my subscriptions and of course, saw the owl on the book saying "shout outs" and then saw my blog! You made my day:) Thanks again and I love your blog as well!

  2. Awesome shoutout, Kirsten :) Essie's a class act gal and she's got a beautiful blog. Great new feature, too!


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my blog! I love getting comments! Though I may not be able to respond to each one right away, I do read and appreciate each and every one, they are actually a highlight of my day! If you have any questions, I'll try my best to respond quickly! If you would like for me to check out your blog, email me your link: geekyowl (at) gmail (dot) com.