
Friday, July 20, 2012

Guest Post by The Crumpet

Good Morning Owlets!

Today's guest post is from someone I mention a lot, Debbie from The Crumpet! Love her style of writing and her attitude, and of course her absolute obsession with polish! ;)

And I have scheduled this post today, it being friday, and she chose an Indie! So here is her version of TGIF: Thank Goodness, Indie Friday! :)

Thank you so much Debbie! :)

Don't forget to check out her blog after reading this post!


Hi Goddesses

It's Debbie from The Crumpet, and I am thrilled to be doing a guest post for one of my best polish friends.

I've only known Kirsten for a few months, but we connected over a love of polish, Lost and nail art.   We both suffer from depression, and we've both written of it on the blog, so we try to look after each other on our down days.   I thought it would be appropriate to do a green mani, as green is the colour for depression awareness, but a happy green, not a murky, sad, gloomy green!

The base is one of my favourite green and one of my favourite polish names - Bossy Boots from Butter London.   It's a lovely soothing creamy mint.   I then layered it with Nostalgic Lacquer Envy - a sort of green version of Connect The Dots.   

Don't they look awesome together ?    I love how the glitter complements the base, yet stands out from the base.   I'm a known hater of hairy glitter, but even I don't mind the bar glitter in this one.

This is cool and fresh as a summer's day .... not that I'd know, living in England.

Enjoy xx :)


  1. Hairy glitter!!?! Lol. Love it.

  2. I love you both, so I loved this post, naturally! I also think that is an awesome polish, and I love how you tied it to depression awareness. I suffer from depression, anxiety, and severe panic attacks, so I'm right in that boat. Awesome post.


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