
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Adventures in Stamping: Inspired by Something You Love = Owls and Mustachios!

Well, hello there Adventures in Stamping! It's been a month and a bit since I participated! Whoops! But I could not pass up this theme: Inspired by something you love! And, um, hello, what do I love? Owls and mustachios! Grr with the crooked mustachios.......I mean I meant that and he is doing the little mustache twitching! ;) It's so hard to line it up just right. I need a see-through stamper! :)

Now, this mani is all full of stuff I love. My base color is Orly Nite Owl. This is my favorite polish! (hence it being in the middle in my header photo!) Love love love it! Applies wonderfully! Then I stamped the owls using Barry M Silver Foil and Bundle Monster BM 309. This is the best silver ever to stamp with! Love it too! And then I stamped the mustachios using Konad Black and QA28. And this black is ah-mazing! Love it!

That's a whole lotta love going on huh! Yep it is! I hope you don't mind the mustachios and that you aren't sick of seeing them.......tomorrow is one more chance to see them! Shhh! ;)

Here is Orly Nite Owl is all it's splendor! This is two thin coats! Lurve it! A nude with a silvery shimmer, um yes please! :)


  1. the color is really pretty, love me some nudes! lol i love how excited you are about it

  2. I really really love these, they're so awesome! I showed by boyfriend and he laughed, and said they reminded him of Mason Savoy from the comic Chew, although he's not an owl I totally see it :D


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