
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wednesday Reads - Andy Runton


Today is dedicated to a bunch of books all by Andy Runton. These books are his Owly books and are quite possibly some of the best books ever! They are graphic novels and are so stinkin' cute! These books are a great addition to any library, young and old! :)


This is the little blurb about Owly found on Andy Runton's site:
Owly is a kind-hearted little owl who knows what it means to be human. Relying on a mixture of symbols and expressions,these animated and heartwarming tales are a perfect read for all ages! Owly's stories are told in illustrated books and graphic novels that are available from your local book store, comic shop, Amazon, and my publishers, Top Shelf and Simon & Schuster
The books are Vol 1: The Way Home & The Bittersweet Summer, Vol 2: Just a Little Blue, Vol 3: Flying Lessons, Vol 4: A Time to be Brave, and Vol 5: Tiny Tales. With Vol 6: A Fishy Situation soon to be released!

The books are about Owly, the main character who is an owl! (can you see why I love these books?) In the first story in Vol 1 you get to see the story of how Owly and Wormy (his little worm friend) meet and become friends!

In each volume Owly and Wormy meet other little creatures and give you a wonderful little story that will bring a smile to your face. I don't know what came first, my love for Owly or my love for owls! :)

This is an example of what the Owly books look like on the inside. Isn't Owly cute!

And look! Here is Owly in motion! Awww!