
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday Reads - Lynn Kurland


Introducing a new segment to my blog: Wednesday Reads. This is where I would like to introduce you all to the different books that I love to read!

The first book I am going to introduce you to isn't just one book, it's all the books by my favorite author: Lynn Kurland. (click on her name to be sent to her site). She is a New York Times Bestselling Author.

Lynn Kurland writes a few different series. One series is called The Nine Kingdom Series. To be honest I haven't read these. I love her other two series though: The de Piaget Family Series and The MacLeod Family Series.

The de Piaget Family Series and The MacLeod Family Series, to me, aren't really two series but one that are intertwined and connected. The genre of these books are Romance; some are historical, some are paranormal and some are time travel. But all are closed door romances, which means that what happens in the bedroom is not known to the reader (you are not taken in there), these are pretty clean books.

The majority of her books have a strong woman as her main character that is from modern times. This woman somehow finds herself back in the medieval times by way of a time gate or fairy ring.  Here she usually meets up with a medieval lord and through different challenges they end up falling in love and either staying in the medieval times or coming back to modern times.

Sometimes the books are from the guy's point of view going to the past or coming to the future. And sometimes there are ghosts involved, friendly of course and some are even match makers! :)

These books are really funny, especially when the medieval lord or maiden finds themselves in the future. :)

The de Piaget family is a family that is based at the castle Artane in England. They are based in the medieval times. The MacLeod family is a family based in modern times in a castle in Scotland. But these two families intertwine throughout the years by marriage and by helping each other out (through the mapping of the fairy rings!).

These books are so great that I own each one in these in the two family series and I have read them over and over! I have even ordered her newest one that came out in April! I can't wait until it gets here this week! :) There are two different ways to read these books. One is publication order (the order in which she wrote them) and the other is chronologically by family. (visit the Lynn Kurland link to get the whole list of her books and the different reading orders!).

If you are interested in reading these amazing books you can choose which order to read them in. I obviously read them in publication order.

If you were going to read the de Piaget family chronologically you would begin with Rhys and Gwen's story in Another Chance to Dream. This is a purely historical romance. 
With neither title nor land, Rhys cannot win the hand of Gwennelyn of Segrave, though the two are kindred souls … Rhys, a knight with far too many notions of chivalry for his own good, and Gwen, a lover of minstrel tales, waiting to be swept away. But Gwen is betrothed to another man, and Rhys fears he will lose her forever. Until a surprise offer comes his way – bringing Rhys and Gwen a second chance at love, and another chance to dream.

But if you were going to read the MacLeod family chronologically you would begin with James and Elizabeth's story in A Dance Through Time. This one is a time travel story.

James MacLeod is the most respected – and feared – laird in all of Scotland in 1311. He loves his men like brothers and his land with a passion. He allows no women to cross the threshold of his keep … until his steward brings in a strange woman and sets her down in Jamie’s chair as if she belongs there.
Elizabeth Smith has taken a walk in Gramercy Park in 1996, dozed off on a bench, and woken in fourteenth-century Scotland on Jamie’s land. She’s sure she’s seen him before … in her dreams. She will turn his ordered world upside-down and go where no woman had ever gone before: straight into his heart …

As for my opinion? I would start with A Dance Through Time. The time travel stories are Lynn at her best! You will fall in love with James MacLeod and Elizabeth! Don't get me wrong, Rhys and Gwen and good too but it is their children that begin the time traveling.

I would love to here if any of you have read any of Lynn Kurland's books and what you have thought of them. Also what books are you currently reading right now?


  1. Lynn Kurland is one of my favorite authors!! I own all of her books! I love the stories! They have all the elements that I love, history, time travel, love. :)

    1. Aren't her books the best! Her newest one just arrived today! I'm super excited! :)

  2. The little picture of the owl is adorable! I think this segment is a great idea and I can't wait for future posts :) Really enjoyed it.

    1. Thank you! It was fun to write and I get to share my other favorite past time! :)

  3. I love this new segment! I was just thinking today that I need to find a new series to get into and these sound great! I'm always wary of how graphic romances will be, so it's good to know these are closed door!

    1. I too am wary of how graphic romances can get, that is one reason I only read Lynn Kurland and then read juvenile or young adult. Even though sometimes though can be pretty graphic too!


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