
Friday, May 25, 2012

TGIF: Thank Goodness, Indie Friday - Glix

Welcome to another installment of TGIF: Thank Goodness, Indy Indie Friday! Today is brought to you Glitrix, an amazing etsy store that sells gorgeous line frankens called Glix. Frankens are, in the words of Glitrix "a personalized mixture and creating your own polish from your stash of nail polish can be fun and addicting. The possibilities are pretty much endless".

This post features two polishes and is picture heavy! :)

First up is Midnight Booze. This is one coat. If I had glooped a bit more on the brush it would have been completely opaque in this one coat! How awesome is that! But with this coat I had a few sparse areas. This is direct sun.

This polish is an amazing indigo based polish with what Glitrix describes as "several different glitters". I could spot micro gold glitter, micro blue glitter, small gold hex and small lilac hex glitter. It is stunning! The application wasn't bad either. It applied like normal glitter and wasn't too fussy! The glitter settled during shipping but I turned it on it's side to have the glitter spread through out and seemed to work because I had glitter with each brush stroke.

Check out the cute bottles! Bah! Stinkin' cute! These are 0.5 ml. She also sells these cute star bottles empty too for those who are into making their own polishes!

Macro bottle shot. Look at that glitter! Gorgeous! It is such a classy polish! I love it!

Here is two coats of Midnight Booze. Like I said, could have been a one coater but two coats makes it a more deeper/richer color and the gold just pops! Gorgeous!

Here is another shot/angle of Midnight Booze using two coats. Stunning and interesting as I don't believe I have anything like it in my stash (and I am currently swatching it so I would know! haha!).

This, gorgeous unique polish is Barbarella. And I think I am in love! This is one coat and as you can see it is still sheer.

Here is Barbarella in direct sun. A lime green polish with what Glitrix describes as "several different glitters". I could spot salmon pink micro glitter and small salmon pink hex glitter. The pink looks orange in some lights and pink in others so I deem it salmon pink!? Lime green and salmon pink? WIN! This polish literally made my jaw drop. This is so unique I love it!

Cute bottle shot! Again these polishes are 5ml. And I think I am going to need a back up of this one!

Macro bottle shot. Squee! Look at that! This is such a fun pop of color!

Here is Barbarella using two coats. Notice that the hex glitter is sparse, that's alright because it's sparse in the bottle, it is not an application problem. I love that it's sparse it makes it more fun! The formula for this polish was wonderful and applied without any problems!

Two coats in direct sun. Just look. How could you not like this one? Granted, this color may not be for everyone but I love colors like this! :)

Bah! My right hand! (It is so hard to take a picture of my right hand!) I wanted to show you want one coat of Barbarella looks like (in direct sun) layered over another polish (Finger Paints Sexy Sundress). Yep, that is what this is. Now I can conserve the polish and make it last longer!

One coat layered over Finger Paints Sexy Sundress. When I stare at both hands together, my left hand (two coats of Barbarella) is a more deeper lime. Whereas the right hand (one coat layered over Finger Paints) is a brighter lime. And look, my pointer didn't get any hex glitter, but I'm alright with that because there is a ton of the pink micro glitter on it! :)

This line of frankens Glix by Glitrix is awesome! 5ml cute star shaped bottles for $6.00 and no shipping and handling! You better all go and visit and buy some because you will not be disappointed!I didn't have problems with either of these polishes and thought that they were great with great coverage and the glitter applied evenly enough! :)

*EDIT: I have worn Barbarella for three days now with a coat of Seche Vite and I have minimal tip wear and this was even one day of working on unloading a truck (which usually wrecks my nails!)!

Here is the underwear for the Barbarella. This is Finger Paints Sexy Sundress. Such a perfect color for Barbarella! But the Finger Paints formula was gloopy and streaky as you can see; but I knew I was going to cover it so I wasn't too worried.


  1. Barbarella is definitely my favourite and the bottles are so adorable :P

  2. i never see nail polish like a star! this is great and coors too.


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