
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dupes? Orly Oui and OPI It's My Year

While working on my swatchsicles I came across these two pretties. OPI It's My Year and Orly Oui. Let's take a closer look, shall we? This post is picture heavy. Pretty similar in the bottle, right?


Macro bottle shot of OPI It's My Year.


 Macro bottle shot of Orly Oui. Still pretty similar, maybe slightly different color.

Pointer and Ring finger are OPI It's My Year. Middle and Pinkie finger are Orly Oui. All are one coat. Right away you can tell that OPI It's My Year has a more pink jelly base with Orly Oui being a more purple jelly base. Both polishes have that golden foil shimmer running through out. Also, OPI It's My Year is a bit more sheer, notice the visible nail line on my pointer.

Still one coat of each with my Pointer and Ring finger as OPI It's My Year and on my Middle and Pinkie finger are Orly Oui. This angle shows more of the golden shimmer.

This is two coats with my Pointer and Ring finger as OPI It's My Year and my Middle and Pinkie finger are Orly Oui. The golden foil shimmer still looks the same but OPI is still more pink than the Orly; and OPI is still more sheer than Orly.

Here is a direct sun shot of the two polishes. This one really shows the different base colors of the two polishes. Again, on my Pointer and Ring finger are OPI It's My Year and on my Middle and Pinkie finger are Orly Oui. Look at the color difference!

One final shot. The formulas of the polish were consistent with their brand name. Both have the same type of finish, one is just more pink while the other is more purple.

Now do you need both of these? Probably not. Are the exact Dupes? Well, in everything but the color yes. But the color isn't the same so I would say no, not exact dupes, but pretty dang close and one would only need to choose which base color they prefer.

But a polish hoarder lover, may still want both! :) I wonder how the OPI one would work in a jelly sandwaich? Hmmmmm.


  1. Not gonna lie I still need both ;) Thanks for the I wonder how Zoya Faye compares to them.....?

    1. I'm glad I have both! And I'm even more glad that they are dupes, just similar! :) I don't have Zoya Faye, but now I'm curious too!

  2. Great comparison! They're both pretty, but I think I prefer the OPI.

  3. I wonder if Orly Ingenue would be a closer dupe for It's My Year? It's a bit pink-er than Oui.


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