
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Nail Mail of the Cult Kind!

So, I've joined a Cult.........Cult Nails that is!

Boo-yah! My first polish burritos!! :) I bought these when Cult Nails was having their $5 sale! I never thought I would ever own one Cult Nails polish let alone three! Now, these weren't the first on my list but some of her supplies were low, but these were still on my list! She is going to be having another $5 sale soon for those that were low on hand. :) Oh? You want to see the polish? Ok!

In a Trance (yes I need another olive green!), Power Thief (and another brown!) oh and I love that my Power Thief is spelled wrong on my bottle's bottom sticker. It says "Power Theif" :), and Time Traveler (go Doctor Who!) I am very excited to use all of them! I've heard they apply like a dream. Well, we shall see!

Do you ladies take advantage of this sale? What colors did you get or what colors do you already have? Do you love this brand or is it not for you?


  1. I didn't know the sale was on but international shipping is usually dear :( I might have a look at the next one...just to see...maybe buy...but only a few... :P

    1. She usually limits the number you can buy at that price. Not sure when the next one is, I lucked out and saw it mentioned on her facebook page! :)

  2. Awesome choices! I hit up the sale too. My choices were Time Traveller (yay!), Let me Fly, and Awakening. In a Trance was one I was considering too, hopefully like you said if there is another $5 dollar sale I'll pick up that one :)

    1. Your other two were on my list but were already gone. But hopefully with the next sale! And I really want My Kind of Kool Aid.

  3. you sound like me, you can never have enough olive greens!!

    1. You seriously can't! :) I'm going to do a comparison with all my olive greens this summer once I get my swatchsicles going! :)

  4. I skipped this sale, but only because I have so many already and the ones I want aren't stocked anymore. I really like what Maria is doing with this line.

    1. I agree. She is handling the selling of her polishes very nicely. :) And her colors are amazing!


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