
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Adventures in Stamping: April Fool's Day Mani

Today's challenge was for anything BUT stamping. No stamping allowed for the Adventures in Stamping April Fool's Day mani! So I decided to try something a bit different! :)

Flocking! Can I just say it's flocking fantastic! ;) We were talking about this in PAA and I've seen other blogs do it and I thought to myself, self, you have a lot of flocking for scrapbooking why don't you finally use it. And I agreed with myself, because I'm usually right. :)

My base coat is Finger Paints Pretty as a Portrait, but you really can't see it except for a few edges on my ring finger and pinkie (which I tried to edit out but cropping the photo). But the polish went on nicely with a great formula like the rest of the Finger Paints polishes. :)

I used Cupcake's Clothes Flocked Nails Tutorial as my guide. But I changed up how I applied the flocking because mine came in a tiny container that I got from Michaels a few years ago.

See! Tiny container. Didn't really want to be pouring this over my nail because there isn't a ton in it! But it was big enough for me to dip/pad my wet nail into the container making sure I covered the entire nail. And it worked without as much mess! :)

Ready for a full on flash close up!?

Look at that furry goodness! Kinda looks like velcro huh! And surprising enough, it isn't all that soft! But it was very interesting to have on! I really love this shot! :)

Oh and guess what. I tried getting it wet and it held up! Crazy huh! I though for sure it would melt off, nope. I didn't wash my hands like a crazy person though so who knows. Also taking it off was easier than glitter but more than just polish.

What do you think? A cool trend or just plain weird? :)


  1. I love the color! I have been thinking about doing this kind of mani for a while, but since you can't use topcoat with this one to make it last, I'm still waiting for the perfect day to finally do it. Since yours came out so nicely, that day might come sooner than I thought ;)

    1. It's super easy! Just make sure you do one nail at a time because you need to get the flocking on a wet nail!

  2. Oh my gosh! That is amazing! If they were my nails i'd just sit and stroke them all day! Haha!x

    1. Not going to lie, I did that! But it's not as soft as it looks like! :)

  3. this looks so cool! not practical, lol, but really cute! :)

  4. Looks awesome! I'm glad you mentioned getting it wet; because I was gonna ask xD

    1. Getting it wet over time does weaken it but it's a lot tougher than I thought it would be!

  5. lol - makes me smiiiiiiile :) its so gay, but in a good way xxx

  6. i really like it.this is the first time ive seen it. im glad i have. ive decided i must try it :)

  7. I love it, I really need to find some flocking now!


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