
Saturday, March 17, 2012

I'm Back!

I am home from my trip! It is good to be home. I want to thank everyone for the thoughts and prayers and heartfelt wishes and concerns. Thank you!

My nails are super long because I haven't touched them in a week! But I had a break the other day trying to open one of my 6 packages. But it is my weak nail so I wasn't surprised. But one of my other nails is starting to break! :( So I am going to have to file them all down and start over. Which is good to do anyways sometimes! So I'm not too sad about it. But I am in a weird funk right now.

Not sure what to do. I will be posting some haul photos, some very mighty hauls!!!!!! I had 6 packages waiting for me when I got back plus I went shopping in Canada!!! Woot woot!

But I hope to into the habit of painting my nails again. Sorry, but it might take a few days! :(

Not only am I in a funk but now I have polish overload and am not sure which to use first! :)


  1. Welcome back!!I can't wait to see inside your packages!

  2. I'm actually excited to see what's inside the packages :)

  3. Lol@ at the moustaches! Sorry to hear about your break. But I'm a fiend for growing my nails and chopping them down, so I know how nice it is to have them shorter for a while :]

    Looking forward to what's in the packages :D

  4. Packages, yay! Hahaha love the moustaches!


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