
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hunger Games Mani


 So I've been sick and didn't get around to doing a full on mani for this, but at least I have some of The Hunger Games Collection polishes from China Glaze. The base is Agro, it is a beautiful olive green shimmer. Gorgeous! My application was a bit gloopy but not too bad. Oh and this is only one coat! 

I put Luxe and Lush over it to add some fire! :) This is a chunky mylar flakie with a clear base. Gorgeous! It flashes blue, pink, gold, and green. I did notice that when I was applying this it felt as if my bottle should be empty but I think it's just the texture of the polish and that it's not as thick as other polishes. The above picture has a coat of Seche Vite.

Here is Agro on it's own. See, gorgeous! And you can't tell it was gloopy!

Sorry about the photos not being up to par. My new camera is being lame! I'm about to give it an ultimatum. :)

So, are you going to see The Hunger Games movie? I hope to go today! I'm super excited!


  1. Gorgeous mani! My bottle of Agro was pretty gloopy as well, I actually had a pretty hard time with it. Yours seemed like it turned out great though!

  2. Wow, those flakies look great over Agro! Very striking.

    We've been thinking about seeing it tonight. I sort of want to wait a couple weeks for the hype to die down a *little,* but, we'll probs watch it tonight, anyway. ;)

    1. I love the flakies over it! I just got home from seeing it! I liked it a lot! Probably go see it again next week! :)

  3. I had a nice and smooth bottle of Agro, I have heard that some ladies got goopy ones though, so that's too bad yours wasn't smoother. I almost passed on this one. Love it on you! :D

    1. Thanks! Lucky in getting the smooth formula! :) Mine's not too horrible and at least it dries smooth!

  4. Replies
    1. Me too! Even though I thought it was Argo. Thankfully someone told me I spelled it wrong so I could correct it! But to me, it'll always be Argo! ;)


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