
Thursday, March 22, 2012

An Epic Royal Nail Mail

Package number 4 step right up! This is the biggie baddie box with orange label. This box contains pretties and goodies from an epic swap carried by the royal post from Debbie at The Crumpet. This all started out because Debbie mentioned she had a lemming of mine. And blew up into the full blown epicness that it is! :)

Oh, you want to see what's inside? 'Kay!

Ta-daa! Boom baby! Boo-yah! Look at all the purdies! So loverly! I seriously oohed and ahhed out loud when opening the box. (after finally getting the box open, Debbie has some serious taping skills!)  :)

Here are all the Nails Inc polishes (sorry for the not so in focus picture, overcast and still trying to learn the new camera). L-R: Little Miss Chatterbox (do you all remember these books? I loved these books!), Eden Grove (can you believe Debbie gave me a teal!), Buckingham Palace (deep royal purple, get it? royal!?), Chelsea Embankment (gold glitter), Hans Place (IRL it looks a bit more peachy), and The Fuschia's Bright (love the name! hot pink shimmery goodness).

These are my first BarryM polishes! Stupid camera doesn't like the goodness and so it made the foils blurry. But it is Silver Foil, Nail Effects (black crackle), and Good Foil. Debbie tells me the foils are really good for stamping and I have seen her nails when she stamps with these...amazing! She also tells me that this crackle is better than OPI. Haven't tried it yet, but it looks less gloopy in the bottle than OPI crackle!

My first Leighton Denny in Berry Nice. I am not familiar with this brand but Debbie I believed called them "lush". I will take her word for it because it is very pretty and I love the bottle! And here is the reason for the swap. L'Oreal's Owl's Night. Yep. See why I needed and wanted this polish! Oh and it's gorgeous too! :)

This my dear readers, in the Essence bottle, on the left is a franken by none other than Debbie her self! She named it Fusching Gorgeous (we are pretending to pronounce it Few-shing)  ;)  It is gorgeous (look at that, just like the name!)! It is a pink base with a crap-load of glitter! Ahh, I love me some crap-loads of glitter! :)  And yes the bottle really is shaped like that! Love it and the color and holo fatty glitter! These little itty biddies are Max Factor (yep same brand that does Fantasy Fire) in Disco Pink and Intense Plum. Love the colors and the size super cute!

The bottle on the left is by Funky Dazzlers. It is a pink base with a ton of micro silver glitter! So much fun! And suck tiny glitter! The other polish is well, all I could find on it was Miss Sporty. I assume it is the name of the brand? Debbie, any help? But she is a pretty shimmery duochrome like polish!

At last but not least the goodies that put in the box. All of them were yummy in my tummy! Especially those long red, yellow, pink, white candies called Maoam. They are so super duper yummy! They remind me of childhood! Mmmmmm.....childhood! :)


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