
Monday, February 20, 2012

Pretty and Polished Reviews

I got the privilege of review two polishes from Chelsea's etsy shop Pretty and Polished. These polishes are my first ever Indies to try! And let me say, if other Indies are as good as these, then watch out! These polishes are amazing! Lots of photos!

This first polish is called Galactus. It is a gorgeous bright purple holo. The color is a little hard to capture on camera, shows bluer than it really is. The picture above is one coat! One coat! The formula is amazing and handles like a dream!

Check out the holo-goodness! In the sun it looks a lot like it's true color. This is two coats.

This is two coats in artificial light to show more of it's true color. This still isn't the exact color but closer. (I really wish I had a light box!) I love this polish, very bright, smooth, and holo! 

This is Hemi-Sphere. Wow. A gorgeous shimmer green! Love! It looks to have a little gold shimmer in it too! This is one coat. It is more sheer than Galactus. But it depends on how much you have on your brush as you can see my ring finger is more sheer than my middle finger.

This is two coats. Much deeper and even more gorgeous! This formula was just as awesome! But look at this color!

Bam! Full sun! A-mazing! Thank you so much Chelsea for letting me review these awesome polishes! You can find these wonderful amazing polishes at her etsy shop: Pretty and Polished. And she has even given me a discount code to give to my fellow readers! How awesome! Use code pretty5 for 5% off 
This code expires March 20, 2012 (one month from today). Chelsea told me that she will be completely restocked after midnight Thursday morning!


  1. That Hemi-Sphere is so gorge! Everytime I go to her shop to buy it its gone! It must be that good I guess!

  2. Those are gorgeous! I bought two polishes from her shop and they are great.

  3. You will LOL when i do my post - same name, totally different colours ;)


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