
Sunday, January 22, 2012

31 Day Challenge: Day 22, Inspired by a Song

Can you guess what my song is for my inspiration? Eggs, a white bow, a certain robin egg-like blue color......could it be!? Why yes, yes it is!

So the bacon was a fail but I love everything else about it! I think my egg is so stinking cute! For my base I used Finger Paints Tiffany Imposter. The bacon (though lovingly crafted but awful) is made up of Sally Hansen Insta-dry in Mochachino and Coco a-go-go. The egg is Color Club French Tip with Finger Paints Art Nouv-Yellow. The bow is stamped using Konad special polish in white and the M59 stamp.

This is the whole mani, but my bacon (yes, that is bacon and not a steaming pile of you-know-what!) didn't turn out too well and I really didn't want to open my post with a pile of poop! :) Haha!

This was a lot of fun! Go check out what songs the other ladies chose with Bec at Lacquer Dreams, Julia at Julia Loves Nails, Emma at Manicurity, Linda at Nail Polish Enthusiast, Alyssa at Fancy Phalanges, and Jenna at The Key to Jennasis and April at Munia's Nails


  1. aw this is so cute!!! the egg is great! :)

  2. The first thing I thought after seeing your "bacon" was "that's a piece of poo". LOL The rest of it looks fab, though. :)

  3. It is bizarre how much I love that fried egg! Love these!

  4. So freakin' cute! You just need some highlights on your bacon :)


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